You can get it free today, then on discount the rest of this week. Enjoy! 🙂

Happy weekend!
Cold and windy here in Atlanta, and I love it! 🙂
Last week was the final post from Derrick and Paul in Truck Me How I Like It. I forgot to mention that, or I’m just that evil. 🙂
This week, we start with the first scene in Something About Lud. I may have posted a snippet from this before, but I think it was only one. Meet Deacon Moses, who has the roommate from hell in Lud. Deacon’s thoughts are below, in the first person.
There are roommates from hell, and then, there’s Ludwig Dreck, the blight of my existence, and the rancid, oozing cherry on top of a pile of refuse.
Lud was a nice enough guy, but damn. He took a dump with the door wide open most days, and refused to use the ventilation fan for some reason. At least there were two bathrooms, though one was only a powder room—no shower, and it didn’t have anything to help with the funk. No potpourri on Earth could fix that.
He chewed with his mouth open, slurped anything liquid, walked around in the buff, which would be a total turn-on if he showered more than once a week, as he was most definitely worth a second or third look. And he liked to jack off all loud and
shit—yes, I could hear him through the walls.
Read more snippets–all of them fabulous–on FB:
Check out my interview with Fiona on her blog. It was lots of fun! 🙂
Here is my interview with J.D. Walker
Take care,
Halloooo, Snippeteers! This little excerpt comes from “Truck Me Back To Normal.”
J.D. Walker 🙂
“Joey! We gotta talk. Please? Just talk, I swear.”
Worn out, I turned and leaned my head against the peeling paint. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Bear.”
“We either talk it out now, or it’ll happen in front of witnesses. You want that? Really?”
I opened the door and rested against the doorjamb. I was sure I looked a sight, and the spot I’d punched on Bear’s face was turning purple. Wonderful. “Talk.”
“Joey, I get that you’re worried about being relationship material for…well, anyone. But you have to try sometime, right? I’m okay with it being fucking around to start with, if that’s what
you need. I’m happy to go at whatever pace you want, in fact, as long as you don’t shut me out. Can’t we at least try to be friends? You need a friend, don’t you?”
I shook my head. “Bear, I don’t—”
He lifted a finger and pressed it against my lips. “I don’t, either. But maybe we can find out together, huh?” And then, he slowly pulled my traitorously willing body to his, and right there on a hot afternoon, with dirt on our clothes and grass in our hair, Bear kissed me, and I was lost.
Read more snippets on FB:
All Romance eBooks is doing a 50% rebate sale today. You’ll get a nice discount on my stories. Check it out!