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Author Archives: lifebyjo
Rainbow Snippets April 1 – 2
Hello, everyone! Wishing you well on a beautiful Saturday.
Here’s a snippet from “Because of Sam,” published by MLR Press. It’s more than six sentences, but it’s for context. Martin, the main character, is remembering the night his drunken father attacked him and his sister. It’s not pleasant…
“Stop, Dad. Please! Why are you doing this?” I said, my scrawny, eleven-year-old body no match for his height and strength. But I had to try. “You’re hurting her. You’re hurting us!”
He shoved me away, but at least he’d stopped harassing Louise. Dad picked up the beer he’d been drinking, and swallowed its contents. He wiped his mouth on his sleeve, then grabbed the neck of the bottle. “You think you can talk to me like that? Goddamn pansy. I’ll show you how to be a man.”
Dad hauled me to him with one fist in my shirt and then pushed me into the wall by the fridge. “I’ll teach you to interfere in things that don’t concern you.” And then he took his first swing at me with the bottle.
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Rainbow Snippets March 25-26
It’s sunny here in Atlanta. Are you enjoying spring weather? I’m watching movies and considering a bit of writing later in the day.
Here’s a snippet from my story “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” published by JMS Books. It’s longer than six sentences, but when you read it, you’ll see why. Georgie is the main character and it’s told from his point of view in the first person.
Ry backed me against the door, both hands flat on either side of my head as he leaned in, hot breath on my face. “You know what your problem is, Georgie? You’re spineless. You sit there letting someone take what you want—no, don’t deny it”—I’d been vigorously shaking my head in the negative—”just because you don’t think you’re worthy of it, for some dumb reason. That’s
absolute horseshit.”
My breathing stuttered. “I have a goddamn spine!” Well, I did now. “I don’t give a fuck what you and Trent do together,” I
stated, completely giving myself away. “It could be anyone, really, but you know what? You made me feel like dirt under your shoe and I refuse to let anyone treat me that way anymore, like I don’t fucking matter. I matter, and I’ll thank you to remember that. I don’t need all you pretty, in-crowd people making me feel even worse about myself than I already do. I do that plenty, on my own. Now if you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you left me alone.”
I folded my arms across my chest and stared down the hall, away from his tempting chest and mesmerizing, infuriating
eyes. I wouldn’t hold out if he gazed at me much longer.
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“The Things We Do” is now available at JMS Books! :)
Rainbow Snippets March 18-19
A happy rainy Saturday to you! Hope you’re snuggled down with a book somewhere.
Here’s another snippet from my story “Norwegian Woody,” the fourth book in the Let It Beatle series (titles based on songs by The Beatles). Rafe and Woody are talking over dinner. (from Woody’s point of view)
Rafe swirled spaghetti around his fork. “Can I ask you something?”
I got him another soda from the fridge and more water for me. “Sure.”
“When was the last time you went out with a guy? Or even to a club?”
“It’s been a while. I’m fine with things as they are.”
“Really? You’re okay being alone? Don’t you have…needs like everybody else?”
“Sure.” I grinned. “That’s what my fist is for.”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m serious. After all you’ve been through, you deserve to be with a…man who would move heaven and earth and love you beyond reason.”
I was surprised that he would say this. It was so far outside his comfort zone, it wasn’t funny. Still…“After the things you’ve done, the way you’ve made fun of me, I’m not sure how to take that.”
Rafe winced. “I know, and I understand. I meant it, though.”
I leaned back in my chair to study him. He seemed sincere. “Okay.”
“Thank you.”
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Rainbow Snippets March 11-12
It’s Saturday!! Time change tomorrow – are you ready? I sure as hell am not.
Here’s a snippet from my story “Norwegian Woody,” the fourth book in the Let It Beatle series (titles based on songs by The Beatles), re-released today by JMS Books. A/N: Serge is Woody’s best friend, and Rafe is Serge’s brother.
Serge leaned forward. “Woody, you remember how Rafe reacted when you came out, and then when I came out? Worlds
apart, right?”
“Yeah, I remember.” It hadn’t made any sense at the time. “So?”
“I think he’s hiding something.”
“No, I mean something that even he’s not aware of, and it has to do with you. He doesn’t treat any other members of the gay population in this town, me included, the way he does you. He’s never made crass jokes to me, only you. He’s always teased you, singled you out. Think about that.”
I considered our recent kiss, but shoved that back down. I laughed humorlessly. “Don’t tell me that you think he’s been attracted to me this whole time and just didn’t know it. What’s this, grade school? A boy likes another boy and he puts snails in his desk to show he cares? I call bullshit, my friend.”
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Awesome review for “The Cookie Said Red” :)
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Rainbow Snippets March 4 – 5
Happy Saturday, my lovelies! It’s sunny here in Atlanta, and probably the last few days of cold air before spring. Oh well…
Here’s a snippet from my story “All A Steer Can Do Is Try'” published by JMS Books. Cliff is the main character (first person).
I yanked open the door. “I no longer work for you, Lambert Morton, so there’s no reason for you to be here.”
He ran a hand through his hair, and his tie was askew. “I know that, but I…needed to talk to you. May I…come in?” He
seemed weirdly subdued and I wasn’t sure I wanted him inside my newly tranquil space. Better to get it over with, though.
“Fine.” I stepped back. “Make it quick.” He walked by me and I shut the door.
Bambi, comfortable on her dog bed, opened an eye, took Lambert’s measure, then closed it again before farting. My
thoughts exactly. Good girl.
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New cover – sexy, right? :)
Rainbow Snippets February 25 – 26
Welcome, my dears! I hope your weekend is absolutely wonderful, so far. Mine is filled with coffee, writing and taxes… ick.
Here’s a snippet from my story “The Cookie Said ‘Red'” which was re-released today by JMS Books – woot! Benjy, the head of security in Cisco’s apartment building, has just come to Cisco’s rescue (bad date gone wrong in his apartment.) In this scene, Benjy is taking notes, listening to Cisco as he explains what happened.
“He wouldn’t go. I told him to get out, then he started walking toward me, and the argument escalated. I locked myself in the bathroom, and he banged on the door, yelling at me. That’s when you entered the picture.”
Benjy finished typing and then put his phone away. “I’m glad it wasn’t worse.”
“Me, too. Thank you, Benjy. I owe you my life.” I clasped my hands under my chin and smiled.
The corners of his mouth lifted into something resembling a smile. “Ever the drama queen, aren’t you, Mr. Boyd?”
“Born and bred. I have a tiara in my closet as proof.” That earned me an actual chuckle. He was breathtaking like this.
“Why don’t you call me Cisco, Benjy? It’s easy on the tongue. So am I,” I added…
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