Author Archives: lifebyjo

Rainbow Snippets June 24-25

Hi there. Hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend, so far. 🙂

Here is a snippet from Unexpected Journey, published by MLR Press. John (first person) and Hollis make up after an argument. They are staying in a motel.

I grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door so I wouldn’t disturb Hollis as I

Once I was cleaned up, I strode back into the room, set the bag near the TV and sat on the bed next to him. I gently
stroked his cheek with my index finger, and his eyes fluttered open. When his eyes finally focused on me, they widened before
he sat up and launched himself into my arms, squeezing me tight.

“I’m so sorry, John. I didn’t mean to hurt you or—”

I kissed his forehead which stopped him mid-sentence. He pulled back and stared at me. “Where were you all night?”

“Walking around, mostly, then when I got thirsty, I went to this gay bar and almost wished I’d worn a chastity belt, the way
they were pawing at me.”

A surprised laugh burst out of Hollis, and he pressed his head into my shoulder. “I don’t blame them. You are one hot piece of
ass, John Dornbrook.”


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Rainbow Snippets June 17-18

Halloooo! I did a 5k this morning and I’m sore and a little weary, but feeling good, otherwise. 🙂

Here is a snippet from Let The Music Say I Do, one of the Wedding Bell Blues stories. It was published by JMS Books. Jared is the first person voice. It’s longer than six sentences, but it makes more sense this way.

“Marry me,” Joey said.


“You know you want to.” He squeezed my ass again and bit my neck.

I moaned out loud. “Jesus.”

“I prefer ‘Joey’ but that works, too. Say ‘yes,’ Jared.”

“I’ll need some convincing. How about you take me to your place and make me say ‘yes’?”

“Oh, a challenge! I love a challenge.” He moved me back a little. “You drove?”


“Okay, groom-to-be, get in the car.”

“I haven’t said ‘yes’ yet.”

“You will.”

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Rainbow Snippets June 10-11

It’s cloudy here in Atlanta, and not too warm. I love it!

Here’s another snippet from “Unexpected Journey” published by MLR Press. It follows last week’s excerpt. (John–first person)

Hollis watched me, but I couldn’t read the expression on his face, though I had a hard enough time focusing since I was
starting to see double.

We made it back to the motel much later, Hollis practically dragging me to the room since I was unsteady on my feet, and
then he tucked me into bed.

“Wish I could do this with you every night,” I murmured, and drifted off to sleep. I thought I heard Hollis’s breath hitch, but I was soon lost to the world.

The [next] morning sun was bright. Too bright. I sat up in bed, still in my clothes from the evening before. My head was pounding and my mouth tasted nasty. I almost thought I was back in my condo in Kansas, the situation was so familiar. But then I remembered I was on a spur-of-the-moment road trip, with the sexiest, kindest man I’d ever met.

What the hell had I done last night?

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Rainbow Snippets June 3-4

Hope you’ve had a wonderful day, so far. 🙂

Here’s a snippet from “Unexpected Journey” published by MLR Press. John (first person) is drunk and a tad…amorous.

“Do you know you’re beautiful?” I said, my words slurring. I reached out to touch his nose and almost poked him in the eye. “I want to kiss you all the time.”

Hollis raised an eyebrow. “That so? You know you’re tipsy, right?”

“Yeah, I gueth, uh, guess so.” I was acting like a lovesick fool, but I couldn’t help it. “Do you have a-a boyfriend?”

“Not at the moment.” He smiled. “Are you applying for the position?”

“I wish I could, b-but I’m justh-just this old guy with no job. I have nothing to o-offer.” And then I belched, to seal the deal.



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Rainbow Snippets May 27-28

Hi there! Welcome to the weekend. 🙂

Here’s a snippet from “To Life My sole” published by JMS Books. Jim (first person) just asked Lance out for drinks.

Lance leaned a little closer to me. “So I get to see you dressed up. I bet you look sexy in leather.”

“I’m not into that scene,” I scoffed.

“I wouldn’t mind if you were. You could spank me to keep me in line.” His leer was…tempting.

“Enough already. This is your station, right?”

The doors opened and Lance stood. Just before the warning bell for closing went off, he stole a quick kiss and ran out
onto the platform.

Sneaky bastard.


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Rainbow Snippets May 20-21

Wishing you a wonderful weekend! 🙂

Here’s a snippet from “He’s so Heavy” – the sixth Let It Beatle story – published today by JMS Books. Bill (first person) is teasing Thorn about dessert.

I looked at Thorn, who’d finished his food and was now eating a Reese’s peanut butter cup as if he’d died and gone to heaven.

“That good, huh?” I teased, and watched him lick his lips.

He grinned. “I love these things. Better than sex.”

I raised an eyebrow. “If that’s true, you haven’t been doing it right.”

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