Coming August 19th. Mark your calendars! 🙂
Author Archives: lifebyjo
Rainbow Snippets July 29 to 30
Welcome back, folks! 🙂 I will be going to a Cheap Trick/Foreigner concert this afternoon, so I’ve got to prepare (T-shirt: check. Skirt: check. Hat: check. Ice: You betcha!)
We continue where we left off last week with “Truck Me Back to Normal” published by MLR Press. Enjoy. 🙂
It had been a long time since I’d felt any kind of interest in another human being, the issues I’d been dealing with leaving my
dick pretty much dead to the world. It was surprising to…feel again. And scary. I wasn’t ready.
“My apologies, Mr. Choi,” Bear said and I reined in my wayward musings.
“Not a problem, sir.”
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Rainbow Snippets July 22 to 23
Another hot Saturday! Ice is in my future. 🙂
Below is a snippet that follows last week’s quote from “Truck Me Back to Normal” published by MLR Press.
I remained at the door, waiting to be told what to do next. It was like being in the army. I almost stood at parade
rest, out of old habits.
“Please, have a seat,” Bear said, and I thanked him quietly before sitting in the only other chair in the room.
I watched as he scribbled. The foreman seemed to be very intent and deliberate, and he wasn’t bad looking either, if you went for massively-built, hairy men with a no-bullshit aura around them.
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4 Stars for “The Things We Do” – thanks! :)
“Loving Me, Loving You” is now available from JMS Books!! :D
Rainbow Snippets July 15 to 16
Hi, all! I hope you’re relaxing and having fun this weekend. 🙂
Below is a snippet from “Truck Me Back to Normal” published by MLR Press. Joey (first person) is about to start an interview and he is mentally…distracted.
When I entered the room, I closed the door behind me and turned to face my potential employer. He was the biggest man I’d ever seen. No wonder he was called Bear.
“Joseph Choi?” the foreman asked from where he sat behind a desk on which everything was stacked in neat piles. He didn’t look up, but focused on what he was doing, his pen busily going back and forth on the sheet before him.
He reminded me a little of a few of my former commanding officers in the way he held himself. Rigid. Stern. Yummy. Now where did that thought come from?
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Rainbow Snippets July 8 to 9
I love Saturdays! Don’t you? 🙂
What follows is a snippet from a work in progress, tentatively titled “Hate to Love you.” Sybren is tired and annoyed, and Rio isn’t making things easier.
For all that he was brilliant, Rio, my regional manager, was also an arrogant fuckwit with perfect teeth and a Napoleon complex.
He was grinning at me on a Saturday evening after the coffee shop had closed. I reeked of spilled liquids and numerous lattes, and was drooping fast. Yet the asshole was still sitting here, smiling at me while fresh as a daisy in his freakishly well-starched white shirt, expensive suit, and subdued tie.
“Didn’t take your vitamins this morning, Sybil?”
“It’s Sybren, and I would thank you to remember it,” I said, growling and snappish and ready for my bed.
“I know, my dear, but it’s the only way I could think of the help you keep your eyes open. It worked, didn’t it?”
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“Let It Beatle” books are now available as a box set!!! :D
Rainbow Snippets July 1 to 2
Welcome, dear readers! I’m doing CampNano this month with the hope of getting some stories done, at last. 🙂
Here’s another snippet from my work in progress tentatively titled, The Artist’s Mechanic. Background – Dolan is the art teacher of a drawing class where Logan is posing (his baby brother blackmailed him) as a model. The students are mostly over sixty years old, and, er, a little too friendly. Longer than six sentences for context.
Dolan’s eyes widened with pleasure when he recognized me. Grinning, he said, “Logan! I didn’t realize you worked here, man.”
I shrugged, feeling a little off-kilter. “So you need new spark plugs?”
Dolan nodded and handed over the keys. “And could you check the air filter and give me new windshield wipers, too?”
“Sure thing.” I walked around his car. He drove an older model Toyota that looked to be in good shape.
“You were a big hit with the students yesterday, by the way,” Dolan said, grinning as he stepped out of my way. “They can’t stop talking about your, um, attributes.”
“As long as none of them ask me out for a date to investigate my attributes, I’m cool,” I said with a grunt.
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