Author Archives: lifebyjo

Rainbow Snippets – November 11 to 12

It’s the weekend! Woot!

Continuing from last week with Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It, below. A little longer than six sentences, for context.

Fontana stopped when he saw me and sighed. “Please tell me there isn’t blood on the pavement,” he said, his silvery gray eyes wary as he waited on my response.

“No, sir, Mr. Fontana,” I said. “But … can you do something? I gotta get going.” I tried to keep the frustration in my voice to a minimum, but it was difficult.

The manager shook his head. “Shit.” He placed the stack of papers in his hands on a nearby desk and walked back the way I’d come in. “Let’s go.”

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Rainbow Snippets – November 4 to 5

Hello, my dears!

It’s going to be in the 70s this weekend. Seriously??

More from Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It, below. Derrick is becoming angrier by the second.

Another fifteen minutes passed, and the fat fuck on a power trip was still only halfway through unloading the pallets from the flatbed. I sent a quick text to Adrian about the situation, then decided that enough was enough. If the guy didn’t hurry up, I’d miss my last drop of the day because the business would close soon.

I got out of the truck, locked the cab and made my way to the management office, ignoring the smirk on the slob’s face as I passed him. Jesus, did he even shower? I could smell him from fifty feet away.

Just my luck, the manager who’d intercepted my altercation in the past with the slow-ass dude outside was coming out of a back room.

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Rainbow Snippets – October 28 to 29

Welcome to the weekend!

It finally feels like fall here in Atlanta, which makes me happy. 🙂

Continuing from last week with Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It. Derrick’s musings are below.

At least I had the weekend to look forward to, it being Friday afternoon and all. My brother Joey was thriving at the treatment facility, and I would be visiting him on Saturday. I loved our new home, too, it was much better than the tiny apartment we’d been living in, which had been the cause of so much stress for him.

The past six months at the trailer park had been a slice of heaven. The residents were cool, and Adrian and his boyfriend Brandon Perez were kind to me. The best thing, though, was that Joey was finally getting the help he needed to deal with all the things that had happened to him in Afghanistan. My brother was getting his life back.

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Rainbow Snippets – October 21 to 22

Happy Saturday, my dears!

I thought I’d do snippets from Joey’s brother Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It. Derrick Choi is in the first person, and below is the opening scene.

If this guy moves any slower, I might just kill him.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to keep calm. I’d promised Adrian Mitchell, my boss at ConcreteXpress, that I would watch my temper. But this dude was pushing it.

I’d had run-ins with him before, and they had almost cost me my job. The forklift operator just knew how to push my buttons. It was as though he existed to make my life hell.

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Rainbow Snippets – October 14 to 15

Hello, everyone!

While I said last week that there would be no more excerpts from “Truck Me Back to Normal,” I have had a request for a scene of them together.

Here it is, and yes, this is the final, final snippet from this story – enjoy! 🙂

“Joey, I get that you’re worried about being relationship material for…well, anyone. But you have to try sometime, right? I’m okay with it being fucking around to start with, if that’s what you need. I’m happy to go at whatever pace you want, in fact, as long as you don’t shut me out. Can’t we at least try to be friends? You need a friend, don’t you?”

I shook my head. “Bear, I don’t—”

He lifted a finger and pressed it against my lips. “I don’t, either. But maybe we can find out together, huh?” And then, he slowly pulled my traitorously willing body to his, and right there on a hot afternoon, with dirt on our clothes and grass in our hair, Bear kissed me, and I was lost.

Read more snippets–all of them fabulous–on FB:

Rainbow Snippets – October 7 to 8

Another weekend is here – the days went by fast, didn’t they?

Because I’m evil, this is my last posting from Joey’s story. 😀 Should you be interested in reading more, “Truck Me Back to Normal” is available at MLR Press. Not sure what I’ll post next week, but stay tuned!

In this final excerpt (over six lines for context), Joey has returned from spending time with his brother Derrick (from the story “Truck Me How I Like It”). Joey stumbles upon Bear, naked from the waste up. Yumm.

As I rounded the corner of the horse barn, I stopped, cold. There before me was Bear, shirtless and sweaty, pounding a nail with a hammer as he repaired a portion of the fence that housed the pigs. I had to take a deep breath and close my eyes for a minute so I wouldn’t jump the man.

Fuck, he glistened in the afternoon sun, rock hard muscles and tanned skin bare and just…scrumptious. When Bear worked with us during the week, he always wore a shirt. This was frickin’ spectacular. When I felt I had myself mostly under control, I walked toward him and cleared my throat, not wanting to startle him.

“Afternoon, Mr. Lancett,” I said, and he looked up, surprised.

“Joey…I mean, Mr. Choi. You’re back early.” He put down the hammer and quickly donned the shirt that I now saw had been thrown over an open red toolbox.




Read more snippets–all of them fabulous–on FB:

Rainbow Snippets – September 30 and October 1, 2017

Morning, all!

It’s a tiny bit cooler here in Atlanta. Can’t wait for winter…because winter is COMING! (LOL, couldn’t help a G.O.T. reference).

Continuing from last week from “Truck Me Back to Normal,” published by MLR Press.

“Have a seat, Mr. Choi,” Bear said. “We don’t stand on ceremony here.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Meg snickered. “You’re both so formal with each other. I think it’s cute.”

“Enough, Meg,” Bear growled, just like his nickname implied, before pulling out a chair for his sister at the table.


Read more snippets–all of them fabulous–on FB: