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Author Archives: lifebyjo
Rainbow Snippets – January 20 to 21
Woohoo to weekend! 🙂
We continue with Something About Lud. Deacon (first person) continues to share his thoughts about his er, lovely, roommate, Lud. 🙂
He {Lud} had his own TV. I didn’t own one, and I was frankly too busy, anyway, to keep up with shows and movies. It was better this way, because otherwise, I’d think of the past, and the pain of my lover’s death still lingered. When Lud was home, I heard him
laughing or swearing at whatever he was watching, even though his door was closed.
Our paths typically crossed in the mornings when I got off my shift. I had a day off every once in a while, but I preferred to work a lot—kept the demons at bay. Lud traveled a lot, which gave me time to clean up after him and air out the place. Even in winter, I had the windows open to keep things as fresh as possible.
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Rainbow Snippets – January 13 to 14
Happy weekend!
Cold and windy here in Atlanta, and I love it! 🙂
Last week was the final post from Derrick and Paul in Truck Me How I Like It. I forgot to mention that, or I’m just that evil. 🙂
This week, we start with the first scene in Something About Lud. I may have posted a snippet from this before, but I think it was only one. Meet Deacon Moses, who has the roommate from hell in Lud. Deacon’s thoughts are below, in the first person.
There are roommates from hell, and then, there’s Ludwig Dreck, the blight of my existence, and the rancid, oozing cherry on top of a pile of refuse.
Lud was a nice enough guy, but damn. He took a dump with the door wide open most days, and refused to use the ventilation fan for some reason. At least there were two bathrooms, though one was only a powder room—no shower, and it didn’t have anything to help with the funk. No potpourri on Earth could fix that.
He chewed with his mouth open, slurped anything liquid, walked around in the buff, which would be a total turn-on if he showered more than once a week, as he was most definitely worth a second or third look. And he liked to jack off all loud and
shit—yes, I could hear him through the walls.
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Rainbow Snippets – January 6 to 7
How is 2018 going for you, so far? Mine is moving along at a quick pace, for some reason.
Derrick and Paul are chatting each other up at the bar in Truck Me How I Like It. It’s a little longer than six sentences for context.
“So you’re a musician, Mr. Fontana. It suits you,” I said, sipping the second beer I’d ordered while watching the band play.
“It’s Paul. Why won’t you use my first name? We’re not at work, and even then, I wouldn’t mind. I think you know that.” He sat on the stool next to mine, ignoring the people who were trying to get his attention.
“Habit, I guess. And I’ll continue to do it, now, just because it bugs you,” I replied, grinning at him.
“I might have to spank you if you do,” he said, and winked at me.
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Rainbow Snippets – December 30 to 31
Where has the year gone??
I hope you had a fabulous 2017. Are you ready for the new year? I am!
Derrick is entranced by Paul Fontana on stage – from Truck Me How I Like It.
Paul held my attention. I watched as he lost himself in the music, playing with his eyes closed and head thrown back as he made that axe sing. I could almost feel his fingers on me, making my skin hum. I hadn’t had such a strong reaction to a person in years.
The band took a break after the first set, and the crowd was all over them as they tried to make their way to the bar. Just my
luck, Paul ended up near where I sat and he ordered a gin and tonic, hold the gin.
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Rainbow Snippets – December 23 to 24
Hello, my dears!
Wishing you the best for the holidays, however you observe them (or not).
Derrick is taking a load off at a club, and guess who he sees on stage – from Truck Me How I Like It.
I was content to sit on my perch and observe the antics of those around me, when I heard a guitar being tuned. Focusing on the stage, I saw a tall and fit hunk of a man strumming the strings, his shoulder-length hair hiding his face as he bent over
the instrument. I couldn’t make him out, but something about the way he moved was familiar.
The rest of the band rushed onto the stage seconds later, and the lights brightened over them. Screams and shouts pierced my
ears and covered my gasp when I recognized Paul Fontana, the manager that had helped me out earlier, on stage. He played a
mean guitar. I would never have guessed that in a million years.
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Rainbow Snippets – December 16 to 17
Hi, everyone!
Sorry I’ve missed the last couple of weeks, but I was out of the country visiting family. I hope you have been enjoying the winter weather so far. 🙂
Back to Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It, below. He’s trying to decide what to do with his evening (and by extension, his life), especially now that his brother Joey seems to be doing just fine without him. (Rated R for language)
I’d never had the time to pursue anything serious—with a guy or girl—though I wasn’t even remotely a virgin. What with Joey’s problems, our parents dying and trying to make ends meet, life had just been too complicated lately. Shit, I hadn’t even fucked my fist in months.
Now that things were leveling out, maybe I could start hooking up again. I might even get lucky, and find my soul mate, if there was such a thing. I’d start with a random fuck tonight, maybe.
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Lovely new cover!!! :D
Rainbow Snippets – November 25 to 26
Hi, everyone! Gosh, it’s been a long week. I hope you had a wonderful time with family, though. 🙂
Back to Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It, below. Finally, the truck has been unloaded, avoiding bloodshed, barely! A little longer than six sentences, once again, for context.
I got into the cab and rolled the window down. “Thanks again, sir.”
“Anytime,” he replied, and smiled, a toothy grin that did something funny to my insides, for some reason. “You know, you can call me Paul, Derrick.”
“I might just do that in the future, Mr. Fontana. See you next time,” I said, ignoring his mild flirtation as I started the engine.
Paul stepped back and I watched him in my side view mirrors as I pulled out of the lot, his shoulder-length, salt-and-pepper hair blowing in the light breeze.
Huh, who would have thought…
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Rainbow Snippets – November 18 to 19
Hi, everyone! Wishing you well on this lovely weekend!
Per Charli’s request for snippets with a trans character, I am taking a break from my posts on Derrick in Truck Me How I Like It to post a snippet from Paint it, Black, published by JMS Books.
Trent is in the first person. He and Florina are having a conversation at the customer service desk where they work. Longer than six sentences for context. Trent speaks first.
“I have to be here early tomorrow since Nigel’s sick.”
“Again? Either he’s slumming or he really needs to see a doctor,” Florina replied as she handed the money and receipt to the impatient-looking older gentleman at the counter. “Thank you, sir. Have a nice day.”
The man didn’t say anything in response. He simply zeroed in on Florina’s Adam’s apple, then took in her mascara and perfect lipstick and scowled before walking away. I held in a retort while she helped the next customer.
People were so judgmental about things they didn’t understand.
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