Author Archives: lifebyjo

Rainbow Snippets – February 24 to 25

Hello, everyone!

I hope you’ve been having a wonderful weekend so far!  Skipping ahead a little, here’s more from Lud … enjoy 🙂

I was happy to have a job that fit me and my temperament. It had been easier when Colin had been alive. Lovely, sweet Colin Borowski, who I still missed after four years. His income as a charter pilot had made it so we could afford the place where I still lived. But then he’d died, and the reality of  things hit me like a brick while I’d been trying to  grieve. I couldn’t bear to leave the apartment—the memories, where we’d spent our lives—behind. Hence, Lud.


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Rainbow Snippets – February 17 to 18

Welcome to the weekend!

I’m taking a brief break from my schoolwork to bring you more from Lud as we learn about Deacon, the main character.  Enjoy! 🙂

At forty-one, I was the night manager of a twenty-four-hour family-owned diner that had been around for over a century. No one else wanted to manage that shift, or deal with the riff-raff that turned up at the out-of-the-way restaurant late at night, half an hour from my apartment.

I was a big guy and not easily intimidated, however. I’d been the night cook for a long time before being promoted. As the diner served alcohol, I sometimes acted as a bouncer, and was used to wielding a baseball bat when necessary, and giving a punch or two. Maybe a kick.



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Rainbow Snippets – February 10 to 11

It’s Saturday – yeah!!!

I’m so happy it’s the weekend, since I could use some downtime. 😉

So what does Lud do for a living?

Sure, his natural, clean scent was…arousing. But the usual for Lud was not having washed in days after coming back from his trips. It was as if he had to be as disgusting as possible. I wondered sometimes if he was putting something out of his head, a bad experience maybe. Or he was just being an ass, testing me at every turn.

When I had asked my then-prospective co-habitant—a thirty-nine-year-old, six-foot-three, light brown-haired, gray-eyed hunk of a man—what he did for a living during the interview I’d held for potential roommates, Lud had grinned broadly, his dimples cutting deep in his barely shaved cheeks, and said, “Traveling Consultant, of sorts.”

I had speculated since then who on Earth would “consult” with someone like he had turned out to be, but what did I know? My life experience was pretty narrow in some areas. All the same, the fact that my life revolved around complaints about Lud—at least in my head—was a reflection of a really sad and lonely existence.



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Rainbow Snippets – February 3 to 4

Halloooo!  It’s cold and lovely here in Atlanta. Are you enjoying your weekend?

Continuing with Lud, we find out more about his, er, attributes. 😀

Lud could be clean, at least for going to work. He practically lived in jeans and T-shirts or shorts, when he could be bothered to dress, and shaved when he left on business, sometimes not. As for his love life, my roommate had never brought anyone to the apartment for a quickie that I knew of. Not that I cared, but I had no idea which way he swung—aside from his dick, which was huge—but I hadn’t noticed that either. Or his cement-block abdominal muscles, thick and toned hairy legs, the “tramp stamp” right above his ass of a really cool dragon…No, sir.

The only thing I cared about—tried to, anyway—was his reliability income-wise. Hygiene would be great, too, but I knew all about beggars…


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Rainbow Snippets – January 27 to 28

Hi there! Have you been having a good weekend so far? I hope so. Mine is filled with homework and other fun stuff, but yes, I now have internet!!!! Who knew it would take two months to get connected in this day and age?

A redeeming quality for Lud, despite his usual funk. 🙂 Deacon is in the first person.

If it wasn’t for the fact that I needed a roommate to help pay the bills, I would have kicked him [Lud] out years ago. Yes, years. I had been desperate—and now I just didn’t have the heart to do it. I was used to his ways, sad as that sounded. Though, aside from Lud’s ghastly habits, he had never been late on rent. He always paid his share of utilities and groceries, and chipped in with emergencies, like the time the power went out for days in our suburb because of a really bad ice storm, and he bought a generator to tide us over. He wouldn’t let me pay for any of that, and had been unlike his usually careless, pain-in-the-ass self.

He’d been a whole other person.



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