Author Archives: lifebyjo

Rainbow Snippets – April 7 to 8

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets weekend! Have you had a wonderful week? I hope so. 🙂

Lud eats with his mouth closed…


“Well, thanks again for stepping in. I’ll call the cops and have these idiots taken care of. I can handle things from here. I’m sure you have places to be.”

“Why do you think I’m leaving?” Lud said. “I’m hungry.”

I frowned. “Um…okay.”

I rang the police, and in a little while, when Dumb, Dumber, and Son on my floor were just coming to, the law showed up and hauled them away. Lud was there through all this, in a corner booth, finishing off his scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, sausage, and coffee that I’d prepared for him. He even ate with his mouth closed, and didn’t slurp his hot drink. What was the world coming to?


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Rainbow Snippets – March 31 to April 1

Welcome to Rainbow Snippets weekend, and Happy Spring! 😉

So, Lud wears expensive suits?!


I gave Lud the once-over. “Since when do you even own a suit?” And it was nice, too. High quality, expensive. I recognized the brand from all the times I’d drooled over suits online. All I’d ever seen Lud wear, when not streaking through the apartment, was casual attire, most of those items ancient. Though, if I thought about it—and why would I, right?—a lot of those items
might have been name-brand new at some point.

Lud shrugged as if to imply that wearing an eight-hundred-dollar Hugo Boss garment was just par for the course. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”




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Rainbow Snippets – March 24 to 25

Hi there!

I’m so happy you stopped by to read this snippet. Be sure to check out the others by clicking on the link at the bottom of this post. 😀

Lud is being vague…


“You alright, Deacon?” Lud asked, lending a hand to help me up.  Looking at him, I noted that he’d barely broken a sweat and still looked pristine, the bastard. And the way he stared at me, his gaze serious, reminded me of the time with the generator. It was weird.

“I’m fine,” I replied, letting go of his hand to straighten my work shirt, sighing at the rip under the left arm. “These fools get into brawls at least once a month.” I glanced at Lud, just an inch or so shorter than me, and said, “Thanks for the assist, but what
are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be out of town, doing…consulting things?”

Lud smiled with his usual confidence, the serious expression gone. “I was in the area.”



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Rainbow Snippets – March 17 to 18

Welcome to the weekend! 😀

Deacon sees Lud in a new light …


I sought to push the men off me, but fists started flying, and one punch caught me in the groin. I was glad of the jock strap and cup I wore, a habit learned from painful experience working the diner at night when things got rough. The blow hurt a little, but not as much as it could have.

Suddenly, I heard a roar, and the guys who attacked me were dispatched one by one. When I looked up, there was Lud, dressed  to the nines in a black suit and burgundy shirt, cleanshaven, knocking each man unconscious before they could even make a move. I was so shocked, I could only stare.

What the fuck?


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Rainbow Snippets – March 10 to 11

Morning, my dears!!

I am having a relaxed weekend, so far. I hope you are, too!

Deacon tries to break up a fight in Lud … It is longer than six sentences, for context. Forgive me. 🙂


Late one night, Ludwig Dreck showed up at the diner while I was trying to break up a brawl between two ne’er-do-wells who’d had one too many beers and insulted each other’s spouses and sexual prowess.

I glimpsed him out of the corner of my eye as I struggled with the idiots straining against me, but the shock of the sight of Lud didn’t detract from the matter at hand.

“Phil, let him go,” I growled as I placed a hand each between him and George, pressing against their chests while both men attempted to grab each other’s shirts for the millionth time, it seemed. Some buttons had already popped off somewhere.

“Shut up, Deke. This ain’t your affair.” Right, because they hadn’t just busted two chairs and broken a table leg, and had
done something similar last month.

“You don’t stop, I’m calling the cops. Again.” They continued to strain against my hold, and my arms felt the burn. “What’s it gonna be, guys?”

“He started it!” George yelled, grunting as he worked to get around me once more. “Ain’t that right, Joshua?” Before I could react, someone tackled me from behind, and the four of us crashed to the floor.


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Rainbow Snippets – March 3 to 4

Good afternoon!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and fun times, wherever you are.

More from Lud … so you know, the Myrtles are the owners of the diner where our hero, Deacon, is employed, and he worked his way up from being a cook to a manager. Enjoy!


To a few folks, I was a working-class man who’d somehow hoodwinked the Myrtles into making me a manager. “What has he ever done to deserve it?” I overheard someone say once. To others, I was “an underachiever” or I had “settled.” I ignored all of them. Most people just wanted to be fed, and were decent, so I focused on that. And Colin had been the great love of my life, who I had met at the diner, too, and accepted me as I was, blue collar and all. I would always have that.


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