Category Archives: Truck Me How I Like It

Rainbow Snippets – October 21 to 22

Happy Saturday, my dears!

I thought I’d do snippets from Joey’s brother Derrick’s story, Truck Me How I Like It. Derrick Choi is in the first person, and below is the opening scene.

If this guy moves any slower, I might just kill him.

I took a deep breath, willing myself to keep calm. I’d promised Adrian Mitchell, my boss at ConcreteXpress, that I would watch my temper. But this dude was pushing it.

I’d had run-ins with him before, and they had almost cost me my job. The forklift operator just knew how to push my buttons. It was as though he existed to make my life hell.

Read more snippets–all of them fabulous–on FB:

Rainbow Snippets January 14-15

Happy Saturday! 🙂

I’m enjoying a slow day and might even take a nap. Shocking, right?

Here’s a snippet from “Truck Me How I Like it”, published by MLR Press. Not much innuendo here between Derrick (main character) and Paul (lust interest). 😉

“So you’re a musician, Mr. Fontana. It suits you,” I said, sipping the second beer I’d ordered while watching the band play.
It would be my last one for the night. I didn’t drive drunk.

“It’s Paul. Why won’t you use my first name? We’re not at work, and even then, I wouldn’t mind. I think you know that.” He sat on the stool next to mine, ignoring the people who were trying to get his attention.

“Habit, I guess. And I’ll continue to do it, now, just because it bugs you,” I replied, grinning at him.

“I might have to spank you if you do,” he said, and winked at me.

My cock perked up at his words. “That right? Well, you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?”


Read more snippets on FB:

Rainbow Snippets July 30-31

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “Truck Me How I Like It.” Enjoy. 🙂

“You waited,” he said as he sat beside me again. The bartender gave him a Bud this time.

“You can drink now?” I asked, watching him guzzle it down in a few swallows.

“Yeah, but not too many. I still have to drive home tonight, but I need to unwind a bit.” Putting himself in my personal space, Paul continued, “You stayed, Derrick. Tell me why.” The finger that ran up my inseam was distracting.

“You intrigue me,” I said, opening my legs a little so he could have access to my dick, if he wanted it. I was his for the taking.



Read more snippets on FB: