Rainbow Snippets July 9-10

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “The Beat of His Drum,” part of the “Wedding Bell Blues” series. Enjoy. 🙂


“Dorian, Come on!” he yelled. “I’m a tool, okay? I know that. Just talk to me. Please?”

I didn’t respond, but leaned against the door, my forehead resting on the hard surface as I tried to quell the tears of frustration I knew would fall if I let them.

“Go away,” I whispered.

He pounded the door for a while, and I was sure the neighbors were wondering what the hell was going on. After ten minutes of silence on my part, he gave up, but not before slipping a business card under the door. I waited a little bit longer before I picked it up.

The card had his name, email address, and phone number. “Call me,” he’d written on the back.

No way in hell.

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Rainbow Snippets July 2 & 3

Happy Sunday, folks. 🙂

Here’s a snippet from my story, “Let The Song Last Forever,” part of the “Wedding Bell Blues” series. Enjoy. 🙂


I could feel my control slipping. “You’re way out of line, Chuck. You need to leave. Right now.”

“I don’t think I’m out of line. You’ve been lying to me this whole time about how you feel. Why didn’t you say something?”

No, no, no. This wasn’t happening. “Fuck you! You don’t know shit!”

I turned to go, but Chuck grabbed my arm.

“Come on, Evie! Can’t we talk about—”

I couldn’t do this. I shoved Chuck away and punched him in the nose. He cried out as he fell to the ground.

“Stop pushing and leave me alone!” I shouted at him.


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Rainbow Snippets June 25 & 26

Hi there! 🙂

Hope you’re all doing well. Here’s a snippet from my short story, “The Best Man For Me.” Enjoy. 🙂 (NSFW for language)


“Royce, I can explain.”

Rodney had to catch me before I fell because I was laughing so hard. “Explain? Really? I’m sure you can! This is your assistant, and you’re both working late on those multi-million dollar contracts, right?”

I turned to Thad’s companion. “Hi, sweetie. My name is Royce Lummis. I’m your date’s fiancé. We were to be married tomorrow night, but now the wedding’s off.” I wiped away the tears that now streamed down my face.

“A few tips about Thad?” I continued. “He likes it when you call him a donkey slut while he’s fucking you. And his dick is kind of thin, so you might have to clench really hard to feel anything at all. But maybe you know that already. Just moan like you’re enjoying yourself. He’ll never know the difference.”

To Thad I said, “I’ll be moving out tomorrow. You’ll find my set of keys on the kitchen table. Goodbye, Thad.” I turned to Rodney. “Get me out of here, please?”

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