Rainbow Snippets April 15 – 16

Happy weekend! It’s warm here and I am recovering from a long week. Hope you’re well!

Here’s a snippet from “Dion’s Redemption,” published by Less Than Three Press.

“To what do we owe this honor, Mr. Doukas?”

I tried not to fidget where I stood. “Dion, please.”

“Greek, right?” Mr. Flannigan asked, and I nodded. “Well, you’ve never been the visiting kind in all the time I’ve been here, unless it had to do with maintenance or rent problems. So it’s either my health, or my grandson. Which is it?”

Those pale eyes I’d thought tired and worn were suddenly sharp and focused. “Uh,” I began, but Nolan cut me off.

“Ignore him, Doukas. He has old-fashioned ideas. He forgets I’m close to thirty and more than able to handle myself as an adult, despite what he thinks. Isn’t that right, old man?” I could hear the easy affection in his voice and felt a pang for what I’d never known.

“You sassing me, boy?” Mr. Flannigan said.


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18 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippets April 15 – 16

  1. Cheryl Headford

    Love that snippet. The affection between grandfather and grandson is evident, even when grandfather is being grumpy. I love Dion’s confusion when being put on the spot. It’s such a natural scene


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